Archive for the ‘Miscellaneous’ Category

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I’ve spent a lot of time over the past seasons trying to figure out the best and admittedly, the cheapest way to log our data, lap times, GPS information, etc, etc.  Just this last year we stumbled upon RaceChrono, a lap timing program that will run on various platforms developed by a track enthusiast.  Because the […]

The Booster First and foremost, the brake booster replacement. We went with a remanufactured, 1987, VW Golf, nonABS booster replacement. The install went well, with none of the usual “it’s never easy” frustration moments when something else seems to brake while fixing what was already broken. Since we had to remove the brake lines from […]

2008 Pocono North Recap Video

Posted: 26th September 2008 by Joseph in Miscellaneous, Pocono North
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I put together a short video from the 2008 Pocono North event.  It’s footage my wife, Veronica, captured throughout the day so it’s a little different than the typical track videos we normally show.  We hope to put together more videos like this in the future so keep an eye out! [stream provider=youtube flv=http%3A// img=x:/ […]