Archive for the ‘News’ Category

VWVortex AUTObiography

Posted: 7th October 2010 by 4amRacing in News
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I’m proud to announce that the team over at VWVortex, one of the worlds largest online automotive forums, has taken an interest in our little project and did a short write-up in their monthly feature entitled “AUTObiography”.  If you have a few minutes, take a look, read through and feel free to stop back by […]

Our Official Build Thread

Posted: 19th January 2007 by 4amRacing in News
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After months of late hours, dirty work and a fair share of cash, we finally took the time to post up our build thread.  We’ll do our best to keep the build thread updated, so follow along and enjoy.  If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us or post on the forums!